Voloco can be introduced as a real time voice processing app along with automatic tuning, vocoding, and harmony. You are free to select a song or soundtrack from your music library, or else Voloco also provides a free beat library to sing and rap. One of the special qualities of Voloco is that Voloco guesses the key of the track you sing and tune your voice to that key to make it similar to the original song.You can download apps like Voloco using any major Android app stores like AC Market, Play Store, Amazon App Store and Aptoide. You can use this app on bigger screens using Android TV. If you are unable to install voloco app using play store or default app store, use Filelinked or Aptoide TV. Filelinked allows you to install any Android app for free like Clean Master.

Features of Voloco that you will absolutely fell in love with

Easy Share:Voloco allows you to record your songs in both audio and videos, which is relatively easy when sharing your songs with your friends, family, and loved ones. You are always free to go beyond creativity. You can video your song in a selfie portrait while creating your own music video. Post them on Instagram, Facebook, upload them in your Whatsapp status and make everybody see and comment on your creative vocals. Voloco is a perfect app to spend time with when you are bored. Spend time adding creativity to it.Exporting:If you are willing to finish your song’s mix with another mobile app, things have made it easy for you with Voloco. You can wrap or sing over a sound track, record your voice, then export only your vocals for final mixing elsewhere.Top sound tracks to rap and sing:Check out the professional quality tracks the users have created with Voloco in the Top track section. You can also select sound tracks to sing from your own music library. The Beat Library is another function where you can choose beats to sing and rap over. This function is one of the most popular functions among all that helps you to rap to the beat.Boxcars of presets:The best of all in Voloco is Voloco features an eight vocal effect preset pack. Let us talk about it further.

  1. The Starter: There are two flavors of auto vocal tune, a monster vocoder, a rich harmony preset, and an absolutely beneficial noise reduction.
  2. Modern Rap one (i): This preset merely adds stereo width, thickness, and as well as heft to the vocals you sing and rap.
  3. Modern Rap two (ii): Provides extended harmonies plus effects which are more generous for ad-libs.
  4. P – Tain: This preset is quite popular. P-Tain corrects the extreme pitches and seventh chords, which perfectly suits raps and RnB.
  5. Bon Hiver: It makes me remind Bon Iver, the professional singer. This preset lushes harmonies and auto vocal tunes in the style of Bon Iver’swoods’ which is a popular song released in 2009.
  6. 8 bit Chip: Boops and Bleeps like one of your favorite games from the 80s.
  7. Duff Pank: Duff Pank is a quite funky vocader that sounds similar to certain French electronic duo.
  8. Sitar Hero: This preset is inspired by Indian Classical Music, where you remind the Indian music instruments when they say, ‘Sitar.’


The latest version of the Voloco app has added a lyric notepad, and besides, it now allows you to separate and process the vocals in your music videos. Additionally, they have fixed the audio bug issues to improve the performance of the application. So, why don’t you check them for yourself? The sound tracks are waiting for a voice. Just add yours and come. Hurry! 

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