The composition is the main thing when you capture something to create a video. The main key to good Video Production depends mainly on your aesthetic sense. The composition is so much important for both still photography and video. 

If you want to make a video worthy of remembrance then you need to follow some rules. Otherwise, your creation will fall into hollow of time and no one will give any attention to it. Let us look at some of the basic rules for composing a great video.

Basic Rules of Thirds

The most common rule that you need to keep in your mind before composing video is the Rule of Thirds. Imagine a grid on your screen when you look into your subject through that. The connecting points of that grids suggest an ideal point for keeping your subject. Eventually, it will result in a perfect view for capturing. It will be best if you try to move your camera along with the connecting points of the lines. It’s not mandatory to keep your subject at the precise point, but somewhere near it. 

Close up, Medium and Establishing Shots

Mixing up several kinds of shots will make your video interesting and amusing. Three kinds of shots are used in every film, for instance, from wedding videos to Hollywood movies.

Establishing shots are meant to capture the whole scene because it is a wide shot. Medium shot ls are supposed to be on the subject or it can be tight shots. Close-up shots capture every detail of the view. These shots convey the strongest feelings to the viewers. Mainly they are captured on the face of your subject to showcase the meticulous movements.

Cropping or Framing

Cropping in videography is as important as in still photography because it decides what will you show as your object. To make your video impressive avoid crop in the major joints. Crop your subjects according to the shots you are taking. Justify your theme by giving your video exact and precise framing.

There are so many video production (Jasa Video Company Profile, which is the term in Indonesian) which provides coaching classes, particularly on videography. It all depends on your aesthetic sense and sensibility. There are ample scopes to showcase your talent through modern technology but you need to know how to do it. Otherwise, you will end up with nothing. The main key is capturing then comes creating.

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