Knowing both the source and target language cultures is an essential prerequisite for being able to work as a translator. Translators often have to provide localization as well as translation, i.e., to help their clients adopt the content of different documents (rather than just the text) to the target audiences who are reading them. This is especially important when working with materials to be used in other cultures, where you may have a completely different society and other laws, norms, systems, religions, and values ​​than what is conveyed in the original.

  • Professional translation is performed carefully and in a targeted manner, making it ideal for academic work. With a reliable translator, you can rest assured if the opportunity arises to publish your work in an international magazine or take it to a conference. Everyone there will understand your research!
  • In addition to the better quality of service – compared to automatic translators – hiring a company or a specialized professional brings more comfort to students who are not fluent in foreign languages.
  • Currently, many people from different countries speak English with a certain ability and can attest to the quality of the translation of their work. However, other languages, such as French, German and even Mandarin, are less popular here, despite being widely spoken around the world.
  • By hiring a competent company or sourcing for Translation Services Bangkok, the student does not need to learn a new language to reach other audiences. If the budget is tight, an alternative is to include the translation service in the research costs, under the justification of increasing its reach and projecting the names of those involved (including the educational institution).

Even so, some textual revisions include the conversion of citations and the abstract for accessible values. And the investment is very valid, considering the mentioned advantages.